AUCAA Against Racism

Dear AUC alumni,

The brutal and needless killing of George Floyd has caused an international outcry for justice, and on behalf of all AUC alumni, the AUCAA is speaking up.

The murder of George Floyd is one instance of a bigger problem, not only in the US, but in all parts of the world. Discrimination and racism are issues that concern everyone, and we stand in solidarity with those, particularly people of color, who seek to call it by name and bring about change. Any instances of inequality, abuse, dehumanisation, violence and/or fear for one’s life based on skin colour will not be tolerated. We cannot allow ourselves to be silent about an injustice which so many experience on a daily basis.

The AUCAA wants to acknowledge and amplify the voices who speak out against injustice and racism. We applaud everyone who is speaking out and pushing for change. We ask all alumni to listen closely to these voices, to reflect, and to learn about the ways in which discrimination presents itself daily. As the AUCAA, we believe it is our duty to stand united with the call for action, to serve as an ally and lend our voice to those who are oppressed.

The AUCAA Board is currently discussing the role we play as an organisation and how we can take an active stance against racism. We will make the necessary changes so that our actions reflect our values. The board members will educate themselves using resources such as Black Lives Matters Carrd (EN) and Wit Huiswerk (NL), as we believe that educating yourself is an essential first step in anti-racism work. In addition to the aforementioned steps, the AUCAA will continue fundraising and donating to the AUC Scholarship Fund to financially support diversity in the AUC student body and to make the programme more accessible to diverse students.

In order to promote listening, learning and civil discourse, we aim to organise an online event for the AUC community this summer on racism and white privilege. Details for the event will be announced in the near future. If you have any suggestions regarding this event or would like to actively participate, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

If you would also like to learn more about anti-racism, please check out the AUCSA Diversity Commission’s resources document. This document provides some additional information about racism and white privilege. We value their work enormously, and we hope you will take the time to use this resource.

A group of current AUC students is writing an open letter to AUC to express their concerns about racial injustice at AUC. The students are asking alumni for their input and experiences as well. If you would like to get involved with this student initiative, you can (anonymously) share your own experiences by filling out this form.

Lastly, we would like to provide some places you can donate to support the Black Lives Matter movement and anti-racism around the world:

It is up to us as the AUC community to ensure that we live up to the AUC motto of excellence and diversity. Creating and sustaining an environment in which diversity is a respected and celebrated norm is a long-term commitment for the AUCAA, and we look forward to working with staff, current students, alumni and affiliate groups to make this a reality.

In strength and solidarity,

The AUCAA Board

Berend Jansen ‘18
Sophie Jansen ‘15
Julia Keizer ‘18
Boris Koehoorn ‘21
Gerylaine Campos Alumni & External Relations Officer


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